news. corso base coadiutore del cane e animali d'affezione

26th October. The basic course for assistant dog and pet animals starts.

Did you attend the IAA preparatory course? Would you like to become a dog assistant? By forming a close partnership with him, you can acquire the skills to join the multidisciplinary team and work on Animal-Assisted Interventions. Starting from October 26th, the basic course for dog assistant and pet animals organized by I’M Possible and partners ForModena Formazione, Ragliando si Impara ASD, and Azienda Agricola Villa Forni will begin.

news. corso base coadiutore del cane

The Course

The basic course for canine assistant and companion animals aims to deepen knowledge and skills related to the proper management of the animal for interaction purposes, in line with the context and intervention objectives, while simultaneously monitoring its health status according to criteria established by the veterinarian, and applying methods for preparing the animal for interaction in an AAI context.

The training program complies with Regional Decree No. 2020 of November 26, 2018, “Implementing provisions of the national guidelines for animal-assisted interventions (AAI), adopted by Regional Council resolution No. 679/2015,” and the regulatory references cited therein.

Entry requirements

The course is aimed at those who intend to take on the role of assistant to the dog in AAI and provides knowledge elements related to cats and rabbits; those who wish to become assistants for these two species will have to attend the supplementary course for cat and rabbit assistants.

Entry requirements: Certificate of participation in the preparatory course.

Participation of 15 recipients per edition is planned. Selection will be made only if the number of candidates meeting the requirements exceeds the available places. In this case, the criterion of the order of arrival of the requests will be used.

Contents and Program

Theoretical Part (36 hours)

  • The role of the animal co-therapist and its place in AAI settings
  • Understanding the work environments of AAI
  • Evolution and behavior of the dog
  • Ethological and physiological needs of species (dog, cat, and rabbit)
  • Management needs of dogs involved in AAI
  • The social and communicative system of the dog
  • Intra-specific and inter-specific communication
  • Safety procedures in activities with dogs
  • Safeguarding, assessment, and monitoring of the welfare of dogs involved in AAI
  • Central role, understanding, and care of the relationship
  • Presentation of AAI projects with the dog (work environments and settings)

Practical Part (20 hours)

  • Work practice in safety with the dog
  • Basic dog training
  • Dog training functional to AAI
  • Practice of non-verbal dog language
  • Experience of assisted interventions with the dog

Certificate issued

Certificate of participation with assessment of the learning level through tests and practical examination.

To access the final assessment, attendance of at least 90% of the course hours is mandatory.

Date e durata del corso

The course has a total duration of 56 hours:

  • 26.10.2024 9.00 – 13.00; 14.00 – 18.00
  • 27.10.2024 9.00 – 13.00; 14.0018.00
  • 09.11.2024 9.00 – 13.00; 14.0018.00
  • 10.11.2024 9.00 – 13.00; 14.00 – 18.00
  • 23.11.2024 9.00 – 13.00; 14.0018.00
  • 24.11.2024 9.00 – 13.00; 14.00 – 18.00
  • 14.12.2024 9.00 – 13.00; 14.00 – 18.00

Participation fee

800 €


Ragliando si Impara ASD
Via Gaidello, 25 – 41013 Castelfranco Emilia (MO)

Our Partners

  • Azienda Agricola Villa Forni
  • Ragliando si Impara ASD
  • ForModena Formazione
    T: 059 3167611

Course authorized by the Emilia Romagna Region with Managerial Determination No. 9081 of 27/04/2023 Ref. PA 2019-19060/RER.

news. corso base coadiutore del cane


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