
And what if we suggested this?

Here’s where we’d like to take you: to experience what we love.

Animal-Assisted Interventions (AAI) encompass pathways aimed at improving the well-being and quality of life of individuals with the valuable assistance of companion animals, who, as our trusted allies, also play an important role as mediators in therapeutic-rehabilitative and educational processes.

On March 25, 2015, the National Guidelines for Animal-Assisted Interventions were recognized and approved, which, depending on the type of intervention, involve the participation of a multidisciplinary team. Our facility is equipped to implement this new perspective and ready to provide you with all the required professional figures, in order to make the experience a truly enriching moment for all involved parties.

Animal-Assisted Therapy

Intervention aimed at therapeutic purposes, aimed at building rehabilitation pathways for disorders related to physical, neuro and psychomotor, cognitive, emotional, and relational spheres in subjects with pathologies of any origin.

Animal-Assisted Education

Intervention with a pronounced educational content aimed at encouraging, triggering, and supporting the potential for growth and planning, as well as interpersonal relationships and social integration of the individual.

Animal-Assisted Activities

Intervention with playful-recreational and psycho-relational support aimed at promoting the improvement of quality of life and proper human-animal interaction, ensuring opportunities for interaction and socialization.

To have an outdoor experience means to immerse oneself, to let oneself be surrounded, and to fully embrace the teachings that nature spontaneously offers to those who can surrender to it. The natural environment can indeed be seen as an active interlocutor that educates and provides opportunities for leisure, sharing, and discovery to anyone who chooses to become a respectful guest. Living moments outdoors is therefore the best opportunity to enrich one’s existence and occupy one’s time satisfyingly.

Accompanied by our inseparable donkeys, here at I’M Possible, we organize outdoor activities so that everyone can fully appreciate the contact with the elements, the rustle of leaves, the scent of the woods, and the colors of the seasons. Group experiences that stimulate the desire to spend time together and give value to being together, keeping alive the sentiment towards the natural world and exploring the beauties of the places that surround us.

Nature trails

Discovering the natural environment that surrounds the urban area. We will have the opportunity to explore Villa Forni and appreciate that, thanks to its strong agricultural connotation, the countryside is also within the city.


In the company of donkeys, leisurely day-long walks useful for staying fit, relieving stress, and rediscovering the beauty of the trails in our Apennines and the surrounding nature.


Here's the complete experience. A long hike of over a day through wild trails and green forests of our hills with overnight camping or in a refuge. And the donkeys? Always by your side!

“Adventure” is a word full of charm that evokes for all of us who listen to or use the term an imaginary world of exciting and extraordinary situations. Situations that require courage, strength, and a willingness to take risks in those who are undertaking the action and that create excited amazement and admiration in those who are watching. Not necessarily just linked to physical efforts, adventures are still highly experiential moments capable of pushing both their protagonists and all those who are spectators towards transformation and change.

Referring to these concepts, I’M Possible couldn’t miss the opportunity to offer activities that, in complete safety, incorporate that touch of healthy unpredictability and that broader sense of freedom. Experiences that respond to the innate desire of human beings to seize the extraordinary that cannot be pursued in everyday life. Events that start as adventures and evolve into concrete opportunities to broaden one’s horizons, grow, and shape one’s personality.


Get on the saddle and get ready to experience thrilling two-wheel adventures with top motocross champions.


Moving on the water with only the help of a paddle. A feeling of calm and tranquility that's hard to match.
