Category events

I’M Possible magner insem

I'M Possible mager insem cena di beneficenza I'M Possible

I’M Possible manger insem Charity Dinner July 9th 2024 We are pleased to invite you to “I’M Possible Magner Insem,” a charity dinner organized by our Association, which will be held on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, in the beautiful setting…

2024 SIP National Congress

150th Anniversary – SIP National Congress May 29 – 8:00 AM | June 1 – 17:00 PM Palazzo della Gran Guardia – Verona We are pleased to announce that I’M Possible, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the…

Paradriving 2023, Modena – Fieracavalli

News. Paradriving 2023, Modena - Fieracavalli

5° viaggio del Sor-riso from November 7th to 10th I’M POSSIBLE ASD APS and Villa Forni Agricultural Company, two entities collaborating on integrated horseback riding projects in the Modena area, have long been engaged in activities aimed at both sports…