News. Paradriving 2023, Modena - Fieracavalli

Paradriving 2023, Modena – Fieracavalli

5° viaggio del Sor-riso from November 7th to 10th I’M POSSIBLE ASD APS and Villa Forni Agricultural Company, two entities collaborating on integrated horseback riding projects in the Modena area, have long been engaged in activities aimed at both sports…

News. tum tum workshop di disegno e acquerelli

Tum Tum – Drawing and Watercolor Workshop

Tum Tum is a drawing workshop aimed at children and teenagers aged 5 to 11 years old. 7 sessions to learn how to express the personal experience of approaching the world of horses through visual representation and watercolor technique. The…

News. Corso Propedeutico in Interventi Assistiti con Animali

14th – 15th – 16th July 2023 AAI Introductory Course

Do you want to discover all the potential of Animal-Assisted Interventions and turn your passion for animals into a real job? The first step to take is to participate in an Introductory Course in Animal-Assisted Interventions like the one we…