News. Ti racconto, dove metti le radici

Where do you put down your roots?

My name is Giorgia. I came across I’M Possible countless times as I passed by, so one day I decided to go in and stay. My studies and training in the socio-healthcare field, along with my past volunteer experiences, have…

News. Ti racconto, la vita segreta nei box

The secret life in the horse stalls

Home sweet home, or rather the story of horse stalls with some reflections from the horse’s point of view. Anyone reading this article has probably thought this phrase at least once in their life: “I can’t wait to get home!”…

News. Ti racconto, Asini Asini

Donkeys, donkeys, donkeys

On June 25th, we set off. We were quite a motley crew, armed with hiking boots, backpacks, tents, and all the necessary gear for outdoor camping, but most importantly, we were accompanied by our donkeys! Yes, because it was the…