In a modern context increasingly characterized by the looming presence of technology and virtual worlds with fake and preconceived dynamics that tend to isolate and discourage conviviality, Outdoor experiences qualify as an important response to allow people to return to simplicity, to rediscover a connection with reality, and rebuild a positive bond with nature.
All our activities are designed to be experienced as moments of maximum serenity during which to let the imagination run wild, enjoy outdoor movement, appreciate the suggestions of full contact with the external world, observe and explore with curiosity. Knowing how nature is capable of educating to beauty and kindness, we rely on it to build instructive paths that encourage the use and careful listening of the senses. An active learning whose effectiveness is certainly amplified by the presence of donkeys, which further invite to get to know the world through direct experience, to build relationships, and, always through the body, to explore one’s boundaries. Outdoor thus becomes an opportunity for inclusion, discovery, meeting, and full sharing capable of honoring everyone with a time that becomes free and gratifying.
Nature trails

Naturalistic trails represent the primary access point to the world of Outdoor activities. Within this category, there is room for all types of experiences that are easily accessible, aimed at providing a wealth of stimuli and abundant connections in an interesting natural and cultural environment. The naturalistic trails we prepare at I’M Possible are all carried out within the splendid setting of Villa Forni, which, thanks to the potential offered by over 6 hectares of fields, will allow you to rediscover harmony with nature without having to venture too far from the urban environment, also enhancing that connection with the rural context that is often overlooked in today’s daily life.
Our audience
The opportunities offered by Villa Forni Park are plentiful, and we have no intention of stifling your desire to explore. That’s why I’M Possible offers you various types of naturalistic trails designed taking into account multiple factors such as duration, length of paths, specific characteristics of the terrain, interests, and needs of the participants. Our naturalistic trails have a low level of difficulty and do not require any special equipment to be used other than comfortable clothing and closed-toe shoes. Depending on your choice, in a protected and supervised environment, you can spend one or two hours exploring a rural world that the city too often makes us forget. The smell of bread, the scent of freshly cut grass, contact with the earth, getting your hands dirty, and meeting the donkeys are just a few examples of the many playful and educational experiences we can share together.
Our goals
Not far from the city and Modena, it is still possible to find spaces to satisfy the desire for escapism and to detach from the frenzy of everyday life. Stepping through the gates of our center could be an easy opportunity for you to discover the beauty of immersing yourself in vineyards, getting up close to the culture and methods of organic farming, understanding how to listen to and communicate with donkeys, and testing what you can do with your hands. By combining physical activity, direct learning, and fun, and emphasizing aspects of manual skills and creativity typical of farm life, naturalistic trails aim to promote a correct relationship with the natural environment that leads to understanding and becoming part of it, rather than exploiting it further.
5 years old (almost)
I like walking with Birillo. When he brays, I get scared, but I know he does it just to call his friends. Or to remind us it’s time to eat.
Donkey and nature are two ingredients of the same formula. All expertly placed within a perfect framework to create a path of exploration and growth.

To fully appreciate the beauties that a territory has to offer, it is necessary to live and explore it. So, what better way to do this than by hiking? Hiking is an activity within the context of the outdoors that involves leisurely walks along paths immersed in greenery. It’s an excellent activity that combines the benefits of walking with the opportunity to admire landscapes and experience memorable moments in the open air. Often, the chosen routes are not too challenging to allow participants to stay fit, relax, and fully enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature. Therefore, get ready to venture beyond the perimeter of Villa Forni and explore our Apennines in an experience made even more unique by the presence of our dear donkeys as companions.
Our audience
The excursions we organize are half-day or full-day trips. They have a low to moderate difficulty level, which may vary depending on the chosen routes and the needs of the groups of participants that will form. To take part in one of these outings, you don’t need much: just comfortable pants, appropriate shoes, and a backpack with the necessary items that will be indicated to you each time. The hiking with donkeys that we promote is a form of gentle mobility aimed at exploring and enhancing the surrounding territory. It’s designed for those who want to venture beyond the usual boundaries and are open to meeting new people and new four-legged friends, in an inclusive environment of total respect.
Our goals
Like many of our experiences, excursions also benefit from the presence of donkeys to reach many goals. In addition to carrying our luggage and facilitating arrival at the destination, it is through the relationship with these animals that fruitful and surprising dynamics can emerge. You will learn to consider donkeys as true travel companions and to build communication with them that will contribute to establishing a beneficial atmosphere of deep understanding and mutual support within the entire group. Furthermore, the nature in which we will immerse ourselves during the excursions will not only be an environment but also landscape, discovery, and home. Moving alongside the donkeys to find new paths or learning to travel familiar roads with different eyes, theirs, will be an experience capable of transmitting new energy and a new perspective of time and space. In this, the donkey sublimates its value, that of giving time because it slows it down and expands it.
I always start with many expectations towards these experiences, but every time something really surprising happens. Why don’t you ask me what happened last time we tried to cross a river with the donkeys? It was hilarious!
8 and ¾ years old
We just got back from the refuge, and Dory, who I was holding, was incredibly strong. On the uphill, she was the fastest, even outpacing Oliver. From what I understand about her, she must be a sentinel donkey. Ah… Next time, I’ll pitch the tent to sleep with her.

Trekking with donkeys is the most comprehensive Outdoor experience that I’M Possible has thought to offer. It’s a true travel experience during which all the sensations that a hike can provide are amplified and intensified. The walk becomes long and slow, requiring greater preparation, the trails become more adventurous, and the immersion in the natural environment is practically total. Savoring the milestones, enjoying the landscapes, seeking out and savoring the stops, accepting the challenges, and rejoicing in overcoming difficult moments are all lessons we can draw from trekking that can help people reflect on what attracts and engages them, putting their experiences into perspective.
Our audience
Our donkey trekking experiences are outdoor activities with durations ranging from one to three days, including overnight stays in a mountain hut or tent. The difficulty level and length of the trails vary and adapt to the groups of participants, but what will never be lacking is the fun, the charm of adventure, and the shared experience amidst the woods of the Apennines. In total safety and with the presence of professionals, we organize “donkey treks” to cater to those attracted to the idea of walking in the company of an animal friend and exploring the greenery of our territory thoroughly. Yes, donkey treks. We named these treks this way because the donkeys become true guides and masters capable of teaching both adults and children alike. With their slow and steady pace, they allow us to become symbiotic with nature, endure the hardships of a long walk, relax, and, in the regained calm, fully enjoy the experience. This is one of the great gifts that donkeys give us: in their company, everyone finds their place.
Our goals
The donkey treks are conceived with the idea of offering you and your family the opportunity to participate in extremely enriching activities as opportunities for growth and discovery. Drawing on one of the values of the ASD to make accessible what may seem inaccessible, I’M Possible aims to make you experience moments of well-being and quality time through the exploration of a new dimension provided by the presence of the donkey and the adventure in the woods. Walking shoulder to shoulder with a donkey means always having its ears in the middle of your view. A simple example of how this animal, with its presence, will always make you smile and how, even unconsciously, it will focus your attention on the present because to see better you will have to move a little to the side. The donkey has an extremely cooperative and sociable nature, but at the same time, it needs to receive energy and motivation. Going around with him, taking care of giving him water and food, stopping and resting or sleeping in a tent by his side, are all aspects of the connection with the animal that you will learn to manage and that will naturally generate a growing sense of self-esteem, empathy, and responsibility. Participating together in these moments will contribute to establishing strong feelings of reciprocity and finding in each other’s presence support and deep friendship, creating cohesion in a group that, although composed of different subjectivities, finds in its entirety a common identity.
If you want to get an idea of how intense and fascinating a donkey trek can be, you can read about the experience at Capanno Tassoni by clicking here.
Mother of C.
As a young person, I loved hiking in the mountains, but living in the city, I had fewer and fewer opportunities to do so. This recent trekking trip with my daughter allowed me to share moments of simple and unique beauty with her.
Civago resident
Donkeys were part of my childhood; my parents used them to carry firewood. I still remember the sound of their hooves on the asphalt. Seeing them like this, walking alongside all of them, brought back the importance they had for us.